Friday, February 11, 2011

My Mentor Hero

           My mentor hero would be Lance Armstrong. I have looked up to Lance Armstrong since I was a young kid. Lance Armstrong has raced in the biggest race and I want to accomplish that at by at least the age of thirty. I have been training and am tyring to do more and more rides a year. My Dad has helped me accomplish that goal by buying me after market parts and helping me keep my body in shape. My goal is to at least meet him. Even though he might not be riding in the Tour De France he will still be an example to me. I believe that Lance Armstrong will always be an example as long as I ride. He impresses me by the way he fought for cancer and the power he puts into cycling.

1 comment:

  1. He is a very admirable person. Have you ever sent him a letter or an e-mail? What about Facebook? You would be surprised how good stars like him can be to their fans. You should definitely let him know how he has impacted your life and influenced you.
